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Spoonbills fishing in morning light

by Jerry Dalrymple
Spoonbills fishing in morning light
Jerry Dalrymple
Photograph - Photography
Two vibrant Spoonbills with pink plumage stand gracefully in shallow water, with one bird curiously dipping its beak into the water while the other stands erect. The background features rich, dark tones contrasted with a softly glowing light, creating a serene and mystical atmosphere.
August 1st, 2024
Comments (5)

Laurel Adams
Jerry, CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU are awarded: A SPECIAL 🎨🐝🏆GA FEATURE ARTIST of DISTINCTION 🥁👏🏻. Please feel free to post your Special Feature, selected for its 'DIGITAL DELIGHT ' in the ARTIST BUZzz GROUP Features and SPECIAL FEATUREs 2024 Archive Thread! BRAVO! This is a photograph, with digitally painted touches, yes?
Jerry Dalrymple replied:
Many thank Laurel!! I believe this started out as one of Jai's backgrounds. I gave it a painted look, added the highlights, and lastly the Spoonies which are my original images.