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Comments (5)

Jennifer Jenson

Jennifer Jenson

Gorgeous image, Jerry!

Jerry Dalrymple replied:

I appreciate that, thank you very much!

M Crowe

M Crowe

Just - WOW

Jerry Dalrymple replied:

Thank you very much I appreciate your comments!

M Crowe

M Crowe

Just - WOW

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams

Jerry, CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU are awarded: A SPECIAL 🎨🐝🏆GA FEATURE ARTIST of DISTINCTION 🥁👏🏻. Please feel free to post your Special Feature, selected for its 'DIGITAL DELIGHT ' in the ARTIST BUZzz GROUP Features and SPECIAL FEATUREs 2024 Archive Thread! BRAVO! This is a photograph, with digitally painted touches, yes?

Jerry Dalrymple replied:

Many thank Laurel!! I believe this started out as one of Jai's backgrounds. I gave it a painted look, added the highlights, and lastly the Spoonies which are my original images.

Robyn King

Robyn King

Congratulations your gorgeous work is being featured in The World We See:-)! Please share your artwork in our featured artist archive thread for a lasting record of your accomplishment!

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