There is a snail on my nose

by Jerry Dalrymple
There is a snail on my nose
Jerry Dalrymple
Digital Art - Photography
An alligator's head peeks out from the water, surrounded by floating vegetation and twigs. Notice the red ramshorn snail on his snout. The old timers down here tell me a number of gators have learned this trick. They use the snail to attract birds in hopes of getting a meal of their own.
November 15th, 2024
Comments (1)

Angela Davies
Never saw an alligator look cute before but this might be it! LF
Jerry Dalrymple replied:
Hey not sure about the cuteness, but I understand what you're saying. I had several old timers Floridians tell me some of them do this on purpose hoping a heron will come along and try to pick it off. Then just like that the gator has a free mean and didn't have to work for it.